• Atterbury Job Corps: Atterbury Job Corps Student is Chef at Disney

    Twenty-year-old Bryana Haggard was chosen with a group of her peers to travel to St. Louis and interview for a chance to work for Disney in Orlando, Florida earlier in the year.

    Haggard, who is originally from Marion, Indiana, began her Atterbury Job Corps Career on March 18, 2024 and progressed quickly through the program. She was selected for the internship program at Disney and left Atterbury Job Corps for Orlando on Sunday, February 9th.

    The paid internship program is three months long and provides the opportunity for Haggard to procure permanent employment after the internship.

    “Job Corps has been rewarding to me in many different ways. I am looking forward to working for Disney and having a successful career. I hope to use this experience to maybe one day start my own business.”

    “Bryana did exceptional in her Culinary trade and we wish her the best of luck in this next step of her career!”
    Gwendolyn Billingsley & Kelsey Shanks, Culinary Instructors at Atterbury Job Corps.

    For more information, please contact Debi Stanton, Business Engagement Manager for Atterbury & IndyPendence Job Corps at Stanton.Debra@jobcorps.org or call 812-314-6090.